See you later in the week, maybe?

I love you people but I'm going to be spending more time @ Goodreads & my blog Bark's Book Nonsense this week. Please feel free to visit and friend me and if you visit my personal blog, please leave a link to your blog so we can keep in touch that way in case this place fizzles out and dies :(  


And please let me know if the site owner's bless us with an update of the site after months of silence or if things permanently improve around here.  I LOVE this community but I need to prioritize my free time so I can do more reading and lately this sluggishness here is making it impossible for me to contribute. The feed is stuck after the first few posts, takes an eternity to load, and my comments aren't posting. I have to walk away for now for my own sanity. But it won't take much to bring me back :)photo time_zpsnhqyv3af.jpg