Monthly Wrap Up

January 2017
New Reviews Posted:
January in Review:
♦ 2 Horror Novels ♦ 1 Fantasy ♦ 1 Non-Fiction ♦ 2 Fiction
♦ Hmmm, this month in reviews doesn't look as bad as I thought it might. I always fear doing a monthly wrap-up post because I'll have to face the fact that I didn't get nearly as much done as I'd planned. But this looks better than the last few months of 2016 so I'm good with that.  
♦ With the exception of "The Secret Life of Souls", the rest of these were audiobooks! Ugh, I am failing on my promise to myself to take time out to actually read. 
♦ Also . . . so much for my year of the DNF! I failed on this promise to myself quite spectacularly in January when I spent nearly the entire month forcing myself to finish one book (Nightmares - still pondering that review) and by not DNFing A Little Life at any point. That thing was 700 pages of gloom. I still don't understand why I put myself through that.
♦ I see more crockpot cooking in my future, more working out in the morning and a helluva lot more of putting myself to bed early to get some pages read at night!
Reviews in the Works:
33354867Five Stories High: One House, Five Hauntings, Five Chilling Stories30689568Nightmares: A New Decade of Modern Horror
Books TBR in February
33974657Coco Butternut
How are your reading resolutions going?