Covers: A Gentle Request
Can I ask a favor? I'm not sure if I have a touch of OCD, am offended by the color green or if I'm just a little off but I cannot seem to abide these in my feed.
I have to go in and fix them whenever I see them in my feed. Is anyone else like this? I don't mind doing it but some days I spend more time adding book covers than I do reading my feed. I'm not sure if everyone knows this but Booklikes lets anyone add a book cover (where only a green one is showing) without having to edit or submit a book report. All you have to do is go over to Amazon (or any other affiliate link), right click on the cover, save it to your computer and upload it here by clicking add cover.
And on that note, if you see anything wonky with any book that you cannot fix, please feel free to hit the report button or submit the edit yourself. *
*Edited to add, if you see a missing cover add that first and then submit your edit so the green disappears right away.
Thanks in advance!