You Will Know Me by Megan Abbott

My will to review has left the building so this book is getting shafted. Sorry book, you kept me entertained but the words have deserted me.
I’m giving this one a 4. It was decent, the narrator was engaging and she kept me listening but I figured out the murdery bits long before they were exposed and that is not like me at all. I didn’t understand the “why” of it though and am still not sure I do even when it was explained.
This book is busting at the seams with some very flawed and unlikable teens and adults. They’re all pretty awful at one point or another. There’s only one little boy that is a decent human but he’ll be ruined in no time hanging around this bunch. If scarlet fever or neglect don't do him in first!
The story revolves around a young gymnast and Olympic hopeful and the dastardly people surrounding that competitive world. Having had a child in a competitive sport for too many years, I can tell you these people are REAL and I was never so happy as the day my kid told me she wanted to quit and just be a kid for a while and I could go back to spending my weekends sleeping in and doing whatever the hell I wanted to do instead of adhering to someone else’s demanding schedule. I don’t know how decent people manage to escape that kind of thing with their sanity intact. Well, some of them don’t in this book and it’s glorious! There are rages, jealous fits, and venomous conversations. It’s all pretty awesome but I was just a wee bit let down at the end but I can’t tell you why without exposing too much.
I'll be using this for the Murder Most Foul Square.