Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione

This picks up where book #1, Eternal Rider, left off (and you need to read it first or you will be hopelessly lost despite some minor info dumpage). I enjoyed this as an unabridged audio, it was read by the same chick who read the first one and she does a decent job but I think I liked Eternal Rider a wee bit more. This one featured so many couples and so much external stuff that my head was spinning a bit. I listened to this to escape a stressful week but I think it might've stressed me out a even more! I may give it a go at another time when my mind isn't so cluttered (ha, like that will happen). For now it's getting this shoddy, half-assed review and a solid 4 stars. Sorry I know I suck but that's all I have in me.